Podcast—Episode #1 (in French): DMS Marking Coding Quebec leader in printing, marking, coding and labelling solutions

Podcast—Episode #1 (in French): DMS Marking Coding Quebec leader in printing, marking, coding and labelling solutions

DMS Marking Coding’s podcast is launched!

The “Art of Marking the Industry with DMS” podcast invites you to discover the secrets that have made this family‑run business a Quebec leader in printing, marking, coding and labelling solutions for 46 years. Listen to the DMS’s podcast on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.

Here’s an overview of the topics covered in the first episode:

Who is DMS Marking Coding?

DMS Marking Coding has built a solid reputation in the field of traceability, providing printing, marking, coding and labelling solutions for production lines in any industry and packaging environment.

A story of family, passion and innovation

Founded in 1977 by Jean Audette, the family business DMS Marking Coding (formerly Les systèmes de marquage Diagent) is already in its third generation. Since 2017, Melissa Audette, Michel Audette’s daughter, has been proudly leading the company as president. She has brought a breath of fresh air and innovation to the company, firstly by being a woman within a typically masculine field but also through her entrepreneurial flair, her studies in business administration and her experience in accounting.

Melissa Audette understands the importance of production costs for factories. That’s why she makes sure to offer and implement solutions that meet the needs of customers and different industries.

“I try to be close to my customers, to be beyond their needs, to anticipate the next needs on the market, to be at the forefront.” — Melissa Audette, President

Labelling and traceability: a must

Labelling and traceability are issues that affect all manufacturing companies in all sectors of activity. DMS Marking Coding’s customers are, therefore, highly diversified, ranging from the food and pharmaceutical industries to construction, cable, lumber, wood pallets and even packaging companies, to name but a few.

With DMS Marking Coding’s products and solutions, “you can print anything from nutritional values and descriptions to company logos and association logos—there’s no limit.” —Melissa Audette, President

Because it’s required by law, labelling and traceability are necessary for all companies that manufacture products. For example, whether it’s printing a logo to personalize or identify an organization, barcodes or batch numbers to trace where and when a product was purchased, expiration and production dates, or nutritional values, there are standards to be met, and every industry has its own.

Tailor‑made solutions for every budget

With DMS Marking Coding’s products and solutions, the sky is the limit, as the saying goes!

In addition, to support at every project stage, the company offers inkjet systems, coding and labelling systems, thermal printers, barcode scanners, industrial markers, traceability software, thermal labels and ribbons, and all other industrial identification products.

Efficiency, automation and increased profit margins

That said, for companies, the limit is often budgetary, and Melissa Audette is well aware of this. That’s why her mission is to simplify the daily lives of companies with solutions that increase efficiency, help automate processes and multiply profit margins.

As production costs are a major factor for factories, DMS Marking Coding offers tailor‑made solutions for all budgets.

First, it’s important to note that the installed equipment automates manual operations. Since this equipment replaces the work of certain humans, savings are made.

What’s more, it enables you to offer your employees value‑added tasks that are far more interesting than applying a label to a box or manually printing the information contained in a code, for example.

Now, for projects on a smaller budget, DMS Marking Coding offers affordable semi‑automatic, portable or automated solutions. These are basic technologies that don’t automate the whole process, and the printing speed is slower, but they do save significant costs.

Then, depending on the production line and the customer’s needs, there are other, more efficient solutions. These include solutions for automating the entire label printing and application process, as well as inkjet solutions. The choice of inkjet is influenced by the printing surface (glass, plastic, metal, etc.) and the level of adhesion required.

Personalized, attentive service with DMS Academy

As mentioned above, DMS Marking Coding offers a support service at every stage of the project. This means that in addition to proposing customized technological solutions, the needs of the employees who will be working with the new equipment are taken into consideration. In this way, the DMS team ensures that operators’ expectations are well understood, that employees are well trained, that they have the ability to perform maintenance, and so on.

Melissa Audette has even created the DMS Academy to offer an even more attentive and personalized service.

DMS Academy is a space for creating educational content on all aspects of traceability. The venue consists of a showroom and premises designed to offer a variety of courses and training in the field of marking and coding.

Customers have the opportunity to see and compare the various solutions on offer in a professional and welcoming setting. This gives them the three‑dimensional experience they need to make informed decisions. They can also carry out print tests on‑site, discuss their project with experts and even receive in‑person training on the different equipment.

Innovation and local purchasing to save costs

DMS Academy is obviously a great way for DMS Marking Coding to stand out from the competition while saving customers costs by making informed decisions and getting the right training.

But that’s not the only way the company sets itself apart. Melissa Audette also relies on technological innovation. She makes sure she keeps abreast of technological developments, anticipates future market needs, stays ahead of the curve, conducts upstream testing, and so on. This approach not only enables her to remain competitive but also to offer customers better, more cost‑effective solutions.

“What makes us stand out is that we’re a Quebec company.” — Melissa Audette, President

We shouldn’t overlook the fact that DMS Marking Coding is a Quebec company: a huge advantage for customers.

Since most of the competitors are American, being a Quebec company offering local service in French is a major advantage. For example, in the event of a problem, the team can quickly go to the company and offer on‑site technical assistance. The customer doesn’t have to shut down his production line for a week.

Listen to the new DMS’s podcast (in French)

To find out more about DMS Marking Coding and its president, Melissa Audette, about the company’s history, its technological developments, its products and solutions offering, its different markets and customer profiles, and its expansion over the past 46 years, we invite you to listen to the first episode (20 minutes long) of “The Art of Making an Industry Mark with DMS”, the DMS’s podcast (in French).

See the podcast